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Customer Testimonials

Brandbassador is the #1 solution for effortlessly increasing brand awareness and loyalty, and driving sales.

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Don't take our word for it, see what our customers have to say...

"If you’re looking for a way to grow and foster your community in an engaging, efficient and streamlined manner - Brandbassador is the tool for you."

Cindy Tran 1

Cindy Tran

CML - Inkbox

"We were looking for a way to manage our outreach in a way that could provide ROI, stats and information on what our outreach investment was bringing us as a brand. Brandbassador provided precisely that."

Consumer Goods Brand


"We will have to largely rely on ambassadors to speak for our brand in order to increase the brand awareness and to indirectly drive sales."

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Pauletta Tang

Product & CD - The Kase

"The ability to create Missions for content, sales, engagement, and more, all in one place, is unlike anything I've ever seen before. I would genuinely like to recommend it to everyone who wants to build their ambassador community."

Ana L

Brand Manager

"Social buzz generated through Brandbassador has really helped us to improve the brand authority, which leads to the most important impact - we are getting a much higher conversion rate now - previously we were getting a 0.5% conversion rate, now it is over a 4% conversion rate."

Mark Stallings 1

Mark Stallings

Co Founder - Casely

"The Brandbassador team bring vast platform expertise, with tremendous experience working with ambassadors, which has been crucial in building and activating our community."

Consumer Goods Brand

Mid-Market Enterprise

"Ambassadors that I typically would have rejected in the beginning are now some of our best converting people within the community."

Johannes Sommer-1

Johannes Sommer


"We were looking for a way to get more organic UGC from genuine fans of our brand, and Brandbassador has allowed us to successfully do this in an engaging and rewarding way."

Food and Beverages Brands


"Once we switched to Brandbassador, we grew from 20 ambassadors all the way up to over 500 ambassadors and it required less time than it did manage those 20 before."

Ryan Wilson

Co Founder - Liam & Co.

"We have seen positive ROI, and so much more social awareness/engagement for our brand!"

Consumer Goods Brand


"Relationships between brands and their ambassadors are important for long-term ROI because they will boost sales and will allow you to work with micro, macro and eventually celebrity influencers as more money comes in."

Jure Laharnar

Jure Laharnar

Brand Manager - Byrokko

"What I enjoy the most while working on the platform is how everything is centralised in one dashboard: Missions, Sales, ROI, Finance Portal, Ambassador Profiles, and on top of that, all your social media platforms are linked with Brandbassador, which makes it easier to keep track of everything."

Disha A

Social Media Manager

"Brandbassador has given us the opportunity to find a broader scope of organic ambassadors that match our brand’s vision."

Jenny Hamrén

Jenny Hamrén

Brandbassador Specialist

"You can reach and maintain relationships with a large group of people. In addition, people come to you instead of you having to look for people yourself. By people I mean ambassadors."

Apparel & Fashion

Mid-Market Enterprise

“Brandbassdor has really thought of so many corner cases and potential issues that can arise when working with a large number of ambassadors.”

Thomas Adams Onepiece-2

Thomas Adams

Founder - Onepiece

Start Your Ambassador Marketing Journey Today

We'll help you activate your customers, followers and fans and meet your revenue goals.

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