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Check out our latest blog posts where we keep you up to date on what's trending in ambassador marketing. 

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How Much Time Does it Take to Manage a Brand Ambassador Program?
Anything worth having takes time. Brand ambassador programs are an incredible way for brands to grow. They allow you to increase engagement with your...
4 Ways to Unite Your Brand Ambassadors with a Community Name
Have you ever heard a parent-to-be say something like, "Eh... we haven't really thought of names yet - we'll just pick one when they're born, it's...
What Is Ambassador Marketing? A Full Overview
Ambassador marketing is a strategy where brands transform their most loyal customers, followers, and fans into influential salespeople.When...
9 eCommerce Brands that Work with Brand Ambassadors
With rising customer acquisition costs and the decreasing trust in paid ads, eCommerce brands are realising it’s time to rethink digital marketing....
How to Tell If Your Community is Ready for a Brand Ambassador Program
Thinking about starting a brand ambassador program? This is so exciting! And you’ve definitely come to the right place, especially if you’re a little...
8 Types of Successful Ambassador Marketing Campaigns
In a perfect world, every marketing campaign you run would be insanely successful. You’d go viral, appear on international news, and sales would...
Influencers VS Ambassadors VS Affiliates: Which Should I Use?
Have you ever played one of those "spot the difference" games? You stare at two pictures that are almost the same and try to figure out what slight...
6 Ways Brand Ambassadors Can Help You Survive the Death of Cookies
Marketing has always been a game of adaptation, especially in the digital age. Just when you get the hang of new ad features and algorithms - BAM!...
4 Ways for Brands to Identify the Perfect Food & Beverage Ambassadors
Have you ever received a meal at a restaurant that practically demanded you photograph it before digging in? Since the beginning of time, food and...

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